The former household recycling and waste treatment facility, had been dilapidated and unsuitable for use for many years, leading to significant visual pollution to the residents in the area.
Due to the sites widespread use of asbestos containing materials within its building structure and within the surrounding soils, the demolition and remediation of the site had been problematic for the landowner (Bristol Waste Company) until our invaluable wealth of asbestos and remediation knowledge could be utilised.
As one of the United Kingdom’s foremost environmental and brownfield contractors for working with and remediating asbestos impacted sites, Sanctus acted as principal contractor, under Bristol Waste Company’s instruction, to undertake the demolition, remediation and enabling works on site.
Sanctus deployed their most experienced site team to undertake the works, headed by Russell Crook. Russell’s extensive site knowledge of demolition and enabling works, gained from over 35 years of working within the construction industry, ensured that the client achieved the best value and delivery of the scope of works.
Sanctus undertook the works in accordance with our uniquely placed 3 Year Unconditional License to undertake Asbestos works, as issued by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
As principal contractor Sanctus were instructed to produce and submit all the required regulatory documentation while maintaining liaison with all Statutory Undertakers and the Client.
Sanctus utilised their years of industry experience to provide a fully intrusive asbestos demolition survey of all the existing structures and buildings present on site. The experience of the Sanctus team undertaking the survey identified a unique asbestos roof construction which had been previously missed on previous surveys. The discovery ensured that the roof could be demolished correctly and under full asbestos controls, in accordance with our uniquely placed license and the control of asbestos regulations 2012, to ensure the health and safety of the operatives as well as the surrounding neighbourhood.

Throughout the works Sanctus utilised their bespoke decontamination unit and near and far source dust suppression units to control the spread of asbestos as well as silica and nuisance dusts released during the demolition process.
Sanctus produced site specific Demolition Phase plans and worked in accordance with the plan throughout the demolition works.
Throughout the works, controlled demolition, undertaken using hybrid mechanical plant ensured that all identified waste streams could be fully segregated and disposed of at the most suitable waste facility. The careful segregation and controlled demolition of all identified structures and buildings ensured that the works had a minimal environmental and financial impact with materials being sent to suitably licensed and permitted recycling and treatment facilities.
To further assist the client and reduce the environmental impact of the works, Sanctus crushed and graded all suitable site won materials to form a 6F2 product. The process produced 500m3 of materials. The site won materials increased the sustainability of the project, reducing lorry movements and transport as well as preventing quarried aggregates being required. Hybrid mechanical plant was utilised throughout the works, further increasing the sustainability of the project.
During the works soils impacted with total petroleum hydrocarbons and Polyaromatic hydrocarbons were identified by the Sanctus environmental engineer. The discovery was immediately alerted to the client and relevant stakeholders and regulatory bodies. Sanctus responded utilising years of industry experience and best practice to delineate, quarantine and dispose of the impacted materials. The materials were chemically analysed for waste classification and disposed of at a suitably licensed facility.
Sanctus concluded that the hydrocarbon contamination identified was linked to previously unknown underground storage tanks. A suitably qualified and competent sub-contractor was instructed to undertake the full decommissioning of the tanks prior to removal and disposal offsite. The tanks were monitored to ensure there was no explosive atmosphere contained within and gas-free certificates provided.
Sanctus’s expertise, honed through years of industry best practice and experience as well as extensive and unparalleled knowledge of asbestos ensured that the essential demolition and enabling works required at Hartcliffe way were completed to provide the maximum value to the client, while increasing the sustainability of the scheme and removing legacy risk to both the landowner and stakeholders.